To optimize our clients’ health, we don’t guess based on symptoms. We test to determine the root cause, and then develop a targeted protocol to support the body’s natural healing process.


We utilize a number of different functional tests with our coaching clients.
Now you can be your own doctor. Pull your own blood work or shop our most popular tests.
Here is where you can order tests, adding on a protocol consultation or our written interpretation of results. 
If you are not an established client, and are interested in meeting with us one-on-one to discuss test results, or to help you determine best next steps with respect to testing, please visit Dr. Nathan’s page here or Dr. Rebecca’s page here to learn more about each doctor’s coaching services prior to ordering.


Our most popular option is a protocol consultation; this is for both new and established clients. Purchase a consultation if you would like for Dr. Nathan to meet with you to discuss recent test results and receive his protocol recommendation. Along with the test results, you will also be expected to submit a one-week food diary and our pre-consultation paperwork, and potentially additional information that our team will discuss with you over the phone upon purchase. Learn more about a functional wellness consultation with Dr. Nathan here.  
Please note that Dr. Rebecca is not offering individual consultations at this time. Learn more about her coaching services on her page here.  


Alternatively, you can select our written interpretation and supplement protocol, in lieu of a consultation. This option is most popular for established clients who are ready for next steps with their protocols, or for Dr. Rebecca’s Thyroid Inner Circle members. Upon purchase, you will complete our paperwork, and we will e-mail you the interpretation and supplement protocol within one to two weeks of receiving all paperwork and test results. If you would like to move forward with this option, you can purchase it on our website here:
Written Protocol

$150.00 USD


Is your doctor not pulling the right labs on you? It's time to take control of your own health! Now you can pull your own requisition forms through our Ulta Lab Tests portal. Select from hundreds of labs, or select one of our four customized panels:
  • The Drs. Warren Complete Wellness Panel for Men
  • The Drs. Warren Complete Wellness Panel for Women
  • Dr. Rebecca's Autoimmune Thyroid Panel
  • Dr. Rebecca's The Post-Thyroidectomy Panel
Not sure where to start? If you haven't had blood work in a while, we encourage you to order the complete wellness panel. To help you interpret the blood work, check out Episode 3 of Dr. Rebecca's Life After Thyroidectomy podcast, available here. Or you can also purchase the doctor's written interpretation and supplement recommendation or protocol consultation above.
If you are interested in a functional wellness consultation, please visit Dr. Nathan’s page here or Dr. Rebecca’s page here to learn more about each doctor’s coaching services prior to ordering.
NOTE: If you are a current patient at Chattanooga Family Chiropractic, an established coaching client, or a member of Dr. Rebecca's Thyroid Inner Circle, please reach out to us for special pricing prior to ordering. 


Along with blood work, we utilize a number of different lab tests with our coaching clients. Testing helps us identify the root cause of their symptoms and construct an action plan to address the cause and ultimately regain their health. 
The featured products below are our most popular tests; there are many more we utilize depending on the case. If there is something specific you would like to test for, reach out to our team and they can provide you with more information. 
We welcome you to review our tests below. Pricing does not include a consultation or doctor's interpretation of results. We encourage you to include our written interpretation and supplement recommendations at checkout, or visit each doctor's respective pages for more information on functional wellness health coaching. 
If you are not sure where to start in terms of functional testing, we encourage you to get the complete wellness panel of blood work above, and the doctor will guide you through next steps with functional testing during the initial consultation. 


DUTCH Hormones Complete (Urine Only)

$499.00 USD
DUTCH Cortisol Awakening Response

$275.00 USD
Dutch Plus (Hormone Testing + CAR)

$600.00 USD
Dutch Cycle Mapping

$490.00 USD
Dutch Cycle Mapping Plus

$700.00 USD



$550.00 USD
IgG Food Allergy Test

$350.00 USD
Halides + Iodine Loading Test

$225.00 USD
Organic Acids Profile

$239.00 USD
Amino Acids Profile

$189.00 USD


Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

$325.00 USD


Tickborne Diseases

$1,150.00 USD

$435.00 USD
Environmental Toxins

$350.00 USD
Heavy Metals Test

$150.00 USD
Total Tox Burden

$615.00 USD

Disclaimer: This content is strictly the opinion of Drs. Warren and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All recipients of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Drs. Warren do not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All recipients of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.